The latest news: news:
Christmas 2024
On December 16 was the clothing market and on December 18 was the toy market. The children had been looking forward to this for 2 weeks, actually the market was supposed to start after lunch, but since the children were so excited, we did it before lunch.
December 23 and 24 were two days of flooding and very, very much rain. We finally managed to get all the Christmas groceries to the children. 28 happy faces (not counting parents) because of the bags full of groceries. Soon more about all our activities around Christmas 2024.
We are grateful for all the money we have been able to receive for the school uniforms.
We do this work interest-free, but the foundation does have costs, which must be paid. Think of costs for the internet page, bank costs and printing. Would you like to sponsor the foundation so we can continue our work? Then become a member or donor!
On December 16 was the clothing market and on December 18 was the toy market. The children had been looking forward to this for 2 weeks, actually the market was supposed to start after lunch, but since the children were so excited, we did it before lunch.
December 23 and 24 were two days of flooding and very, very much rain. We finally managed to get all the Christmas groceries to the children. 28 happy faces (not counting parents) because of the bags full of groceries. Soon more about all our activities around Christmas 2024.
We are grateful for all the money we have been able to receive for the school uniforms.
We do this work interest-free, but the foundation does have costs, which must be paid. Think of costs for the internet page, bank costs and printing. Would you like to sponsor the foundation so we can continue our work? Then become a member or donor!
You can also help the foundation by using sponsorkliks. You make your purchases at your own trusted webshop, you pay nothing extra but Domino Foundation receives a % of your purchase. Your purchase remains completely anonymous to Domino Foundation. Click on the button sponsorkliks and then go to the website where you want to order something. Check which companies participate. Explanation on how sponsorkliks works, can be found here!
You can also help the foundation by using sponsorkliks. You make your purchases at your own trusted webshop, you pay nothing extra but Domino Foundation receives a % of your purchase. Your purchase remains completely anonymous to Domino Foundation. Click on the button sponsorkliks and then go to the website where you want to order something. Check which companies participate. Explanation on how sponsorkliks works, can be found here!
Project vocational training.
Now that the school uniform 2024-2025 project has been completed, we are focusing on a new project to be set up, namely vocational training for underprivileged children who do not have the financial ability to continue studying after high school. Learning a profession gives them the opportunity to earn a living.
It has been decided to start with the employee(s) hair salon and nail salon training. Both courses will be taught in one room by skilled instructors. The management and supervision is the responsibility of the Domino Foundation Dominican Republic. The requirements for this are premises, inventory, instructor and products.
The capital Santo Domingo was chosen as the location of this training. The foundation wants to spread its activities further throughout the Dominican Republic. The reason for this is to also involve tourists who go on vacation to Bayahibe, Punta Cana and Santo Domingo in the foundation's objective.
Of course we also need donors and sponsors for this project. If you would like to sponsor this project, please mention in the description BEROEPSOPLEIDING!
Project for Dutch schools/sports clubs!
In February we started a collection project at the Bernadette Maria school in Delft. In the week of Valentine's Day there were plastic boxes in all classrooms where the children could donate a present or school supplies for a child in Puerto Plata. On May 10 the children of Basisschool St. Dionysius in Schinnen donated a lot of stuff. Some of the stuff is now on its way to Puerto Plata. If you want to read more about these projects please visit News - Domino Foundation (

Who are we?
Domino Foundation Dominican Republic (DFDR) was established on
March 29, 2021.
In previous years, founders Bianca Storms and Jan Riphagen were already active with activities in the Dominican Republic. In late 2020, the plan arose to join forces. combine and establish a foundation.
The target of the foundation
The Domino Foundation primarily provides development assistance to needy people
(especially underprivileged children) in the Dominican Republic. In addition, we are committed to
for promoting animal welfare and promoting sustainability in nature and
Right now our focus is on our school project in Puerto Plata, where we are trying to
getting as many children as possible to go to school. Education is free but the children must purchase their own school uniform and school supplies.
We raise money and then go in person in August with parent/guardian of the child and the child themselves buy the school uniform/sports uniform and school supplies. This way we can be sure that the money is also actually spent on the school uniform.
We raise money and then go in person in August with parent/guardian of the child and the child themselves buy the school uniform/sports uniform and school supplies. This way we can be sure that the money is also actually spent on the school uniform.
Financial resources are obtained from gifts and donations and are
spent only on projects included in the Foundation. The board will be responsible for
receive no remuneration for her work.
The foundation is designated by the tax authorities as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beoogde
The foundation is designated by the tax authorities as an ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beoogde
Institution) under number RSIN 8624 33 022