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Purchasing school supplies 2024 - 2025
80 + 1 happy kids school year 2024 - 2025 It is now early September 2024. Schools in the Dominican Republic began on August 26. These were tough summer months. High feeling temperatures, high humidity and a crowded store. But we are very proud of ourselves but even more proud of all our sponsors.You have made it possible for us to have 80

Education - School uniform 2024-2025
School uniform school year 2024-2025. At the beginning of May we started our school uniform project for 2024-2025. We approached last year's sponsors personally and sent a sponsorship letter to clients of Elbia Tours Puerto Plata, among others. Responses to this have since been received and a number of last year's sponsors have already made a financial contribution for "their child" so that he/she can

Children Helping Children - St. Dyonisius - Schinnen
Children for Children In the Dominican Republic, children are entitled to free education, but the cost of school uniforms and supplies is still a heavy burden for many parents. With the Domino Foundation, we are working on different ways people can support these children. The Children for Children school project is one of those ways. In this way, we don't

Children Helping Children - Bernadette Maria - Delft
How it began It all began when the opportunity arose to send goods to the Dominican Republic, thanks to a generous sponsor. Thus was born the idea for the school project. A project that focuses not only on collecting material goods, but above all on providing future prospects for the children who need it most.

Clothing and Toys Market Christmas 2023
Clothing and toys market 2023 at the Manguito School in Puerto Plata. Last summer we received the extraordinary good news that one of the Dutch companies that ship containers to the Dominican Republic brings 2 free XL boxes for our Foundation several times a year. Thanks to this generous offer, we started collecting 2nd hand clothes, shoes and toys. In October